public school - определение. Что такое public school
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Что (кто) такое public school - определение

Public School; Public schools; Public Schools; Public school (disambiguation)

public school         
(public schools)
In Britain, a public school is a private school that provides secondary education which parents have to pay for. The pupils often live at the school during the school term.
He was headmaster of a public school in the West of England.
In the United States, Australia, and many other countries, a public school is a school that is supported financially by the government and usually provides free education.
...Milwaukee's public school system.
public school         
¦ noun
1. (in the UK) a private fee-paying secondary school.
2. (chiefly in North America) a school supported by public funds.
Public school         
·add. ·- In the United States, a free primary, grammar, or high school maintained by the local government.
II. Public school ·add. ·- In Great Britain, any of various schools maintained by the community, wholly or partly under public control, or maintained largely by endowment and not carried on chiefly for profit; specif., and commonly, any of various select and usually expensive endowed schools which give a liberal modern education or prepare pupils for the universities. Eton, Harrow, Rugby, and Winchester are of this class.


Public school

Public school may refer to:

  • State school (known as a public school in many countries), a no-fee school, publicly funded and operated by the government
  • Public school (United Kingdom), certain elite fee-charging independent schools in England and Wales
  • Great Public Schools, independent non-government fee-charging (mainly boys') elite schools in New South Wales, Australia originally established on the basis of Christian denominations
  • Public Schools Association, a group of seven independent boys' schools in Perth, Western Australia
  • Associated Public Schools of Victoria, a group of eleven elite schools in Victoria, Australia
  • Public school (India), a group of historically elite fee-charging privately owned and managed schools in India
Примеры произношения для public school
1. Public school?
Boyhood _ Ellar Coltrane & Matt Lankes _ Talks at Google
2. public school curriculum,
3. public school system.
THE UNWINDING - An Inner History of the New America _ George Packer _ Talks at Google
4. City public school system.
NYC Tech Echosystem Projections _ Fred Wilson _ Talks at Google
5. at a public school.
Creating and Maintaining Connections Effectively _ Jordan Harbinger _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для public school
1. For instance, he supported vouchers for public school students so they might attend other schools –– a position public school teachers‘ unions strongly oppose.
2. With New York City public school pupils. (110 min.) Documentary about New York preteens learning ballroom dancing in a public school program.
3. The Tories erupted in glee at this tiff, in which one public school toff accused another public school toff of being inadequately tough on riff–raff.
4. I had attended ... an independent school – public school – myself." Such confident declarations have long since ceased to be made by public school educated politicians.
5. There are about 3 million public school teachers nationwide.